Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians! It really feels like autumn here in Vancouver these days and I am loving the cool, crisp air and the gorgeous colours on the trees. It is also the perfect weather for all of my Yanta Overalls! I love that I can throw on Yanta over a tee shirt and be fully dressed, just like that. This pair of classic denim Yantas has been in my mind since the launch of this pattern last spring. Of course I needed to use it as a denim overalls pattern! Yanta is usually finished with buttons, but there is something so alluring about the traditional overalls closure.

I made this pair of Yanta Overalls out of vintage-wash denim from Blackbird Fabrics. It has a bit of a green undertone which I just LOVE. It sewed up beautifully and I look forward to seeing how it ages. There is nothing more satisfying than a well-worn denim garment, right?

I opted to do extra topstitching on these Yantas to make them really stand out. The gold topstitching thread pairs well with the hardware, too! I am not 100% sure I like the effect on the upper back, since it looks a little off-center. Oh well, I don't have to look at it!

We have another post coming your way tomorrow that shows how we installed this overalls hardware, so you can use Yanta as your own denim overalls pattern. We only used the one-piece hardware so it may be a good resource for those of you with limited hardware supplies.

I love my denim Yantas! They feel very modern while still being an obvious nod to classic working overalls. I am excited to break them in and see where they are at in a year or so!
Thanks for stopping by to see my Yantas!