I have always loved clothes, and I am the first to admit that my collection is a bit unruly. As a teenager my bedroom was always covered in a thick layer of garments and fabric, to the point where it would sometimes be difficult to open the door. I have since learned the value of picking up after myself and I have been better about buying and keeping only the items I adore. Recently I have fallen back into a long-time love of sewing, and I am excited to say that embarking on this 'new' adventure has already brought more joy than I could have imagined.
My mother taught me to sew when I was young, and I have many great memories of making projects with her. We would go to the fabric store and I would run my hands over all the bolts, feeling the textures and weights with my fingers. I can remember the first set of pants I made (bright turquoise with a drawstring waist) and the first top I designed for myself (a one-shoulder crop-top, totally nailed it).

In high school, I loved my home-ec classes. Of course I never wanted to make the garments that were in the curriculum, but thankfully my teacher, Mrs. Orchard, was endlessly supportive and encouraging of my desire to create my own designs. She helped me make both my graduation outfits, a black wrap shirt for my convocation and a dark blue draped dress for my grad photos - we even made the yearbook! I took sewing from grades 8 through 11, and two self-directed blocks in grade 12. I had so much fun in those classes, whipping up outfits to wear the next day at school.

I considered studying fashion design after graduating from high school, but I ultimately decided to take a general design studies program which led me to a career in graphic & web design. With the hectic schedule of working part time and going to school, I fell out of touch with sewing. Years later, I was gifted a sewing machine when our neighbour was moving out of town which gave me the opportunity to start up again! After a few projects I was hooked, and it has now become a regular creative practice that I am so grateful to have back in my life.
There are many wonderful, inspiring, creative people who are taking the time to construct their own wardrobes. I would like to share my journey here and hopefully inspire others to try sewing.
Thanks for following along!