Grading at the hips To grade out at the hips, simply draw a new curve from the bust or waist down to the hem, falling either between sizes to give you a little more room, or all the way up to the next size. Add the same amount to the front and back pieces.

Grading at the sleeves The sleeves on the Blackwood have a slim fit, so if you have big guns you may want to grade out OR do a full bicep adjustment. Grading out will give you more room all the way down the sleeve, whereas a full bicep adjustment will focus the extra room at the upper arm. We will be covering how to do a full bicep adjustment next week!

- Monday - Full Bust Adjustment for knits option #1
- Tuesday - Full Bust Adjustment for knits option #2
- Thursday - Full Bicep Adjustment
- Friday - Narrow Shoulder Adjustment
- Saturday - Broad Shoulder Adjustment